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Watunyou Khamros

Ph.D. (Sports and Exercise Science)


- Coaching Science

- Sports Analysis Performance

- Workload Management in Sport


Contact Information


Education Background

B.Sc. Sport and Exercise Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

M.Sc. Sports and Exercise Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

Ph.D. Sports and Exercise Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand


International Research

Jardsakul, P., Senakham, N., Ratchanavy P., Khamros, W., Senakham, T. (2024). Muscle

     oxygenation and energy substrate utilization in 200m and 500m sprint paddling in

     elite dragon boat athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 24. 1807-1813.


Sangkaew T., Phongsri, K., Khamros, W., Mohamad NI., Sriramatr, S. (2024). Analysis of ball

     speed and accuracy of groundstrokes on a clay court in young tennis players. Journal

     of Physical Education and Sport. 24. 1788-1794. 10.7752/jpes.2024.07199. 

Phongsri, K., Khamros, W., Peepathum, P., Senakham, N., Sriramatr, S., & Senakham, T.

     (2024). Effects of Post-Activation Performance Enhancement in Kayak Sprint

     Competition within Same Day. Sport Mont, 22(2), 3-9. doi: 10.26773/smj.240709

Thongthanapat, N., & Khamros, W. (2024). Comparing and analyzing elite soft tennis

     players: Match workload, technique, and action area in high-level competitive games.

     Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 19(3), 748-756.  

Khamros, W., Peepathum, P., Senakham, T., Sriramatr, S., & Phongsri, K. (2023). Post-

     activation performance enhancement: Acute effected after activation in kayak sprint.

     Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23, 457-462.

National Research

Khamros, W., Sriramatr, S. & Phongsri, K. (2020). Physiological responses and performance

     of repeated sprint ability with a change of direction on the different surface. Journal

     of Faculty of PhysicalEducation. Vol.23 No.1 Jan-Jun, 2020. pp 9-20. 

Conference Proceeding 


Book and Academic Article


Course Training

-Coaches Education and Certification System (CECS) Level 1, World Athletics, Thailand

-Workload Management in Football, Barca Innovation Hub, Spain

-Performance Analysis in Football Level 1, The PFSA Football Scouting Experts (Online), UK  

-Talent Identification in Football Level 1, The PFSA Football Scouting Experts (Online), UK 

-Athlete Fitness Trainer License C, Sports Authority of Thailand

-Athlete Fitness Trainer License B, Sports Authority of Thailand

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