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ปี 2024 จำนวน 16 เรื่อง


A Study on the Percentage of Pacing Strategies in Elite Asian Rowers: Analysis of Crew, Boat Type, and Gender

International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science

Watunyou Khamros, Worrawit Rattanasateankij, Prasit Peepathum, Nutcharee Senakham, Krirkwit Phongsri, Witid Mitranun, Bhuvanard Pimboon, Patchareeya Jardsakul, Naphol Suwannathat, Tanormsak Senakham. (2024)

Muscle oxygenation and energy substrate utilization in 200m and 500m sprint paddling in elite dragon boat athletes
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 

Jardsakul, P., Senakham, N., Ratchanavy P., Khamros, W., Senakham, T. (2024)

Analysis of ball speed and accuracy of groundstrokes on a clay court in young tennis players
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 

Sangkaew T., Phongsri, K., Khamros, W., Mohamad NI., Sriramatr, S. (2024)

Silicone Cushioning Improves Boxing Punch Force Deliver
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 

Punthipayanon, S, Kwanboonchan S, Ratchanavy P, CH Kuo (2024) 

Effects of Post-Activation Performance Enhancement in Kayak Sprint Competition within Same Day
Sport Mont Journal 

Phongsri, K., Khamros, W., Peepathum, P., Senakham, N., Sriramatr, S., & Senakham, T. (2024) 

Comparing and analyzing elite soft tennis players: Match workload, technique, and action area in high-level competitive games
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise

Thongthanapat, N., & Khamros, W. (2024)


Effectiveness of a 12-week combining tai chi and yoga program on pulmonary function and functional fitness in COPD patients
Respiratory Medicine

PhantayuthD, Chuaychoo B, Supaporn S, Nana A, Ramyarangsi P, Ajjimaporn A (2024)

Ten-electrode bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) system: Sensitivity investigation by simulation and phantom experiment

Taweechai Ouypornkochagorn, Napatsawan NgamdiApichada SillaparayaSupaporn SilalertdetkulSairoong Ouypornkochagorn (2024)

Estimating the Total and Regional Body Fat of Physically Active Men Is Not Appropriate for Sedentary Men
Physical Education Theory and Methodology

Supaporn Silalertdetkul (2024)

Investigating the Relationship Between Clinical Characteristics, Mental Health, and Vascular Function in Minor Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack Patients
Health Psychology Research

Mitranun, W., Mitarnun, W., Peepathum, P., Wandee, A., Mitarnun, W., Pangwong, W., & Senakham, T. (2024)

The lmmediate Effects of Lower Body Resistance Exercise on Brachial Flow-Mediated Dilation and Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online

Choeipho R, Mitranun W, Napatpittayatorn P. (2024)

Effect of 60-min Single Bout of Resistance Exercise, Reformer Pilates, on Vascular Function Parameters in Older Adults: A Randomized Crossover Study

Rangabprai, Y., Mitranun, W., & Mitarnun, W. (2024)

Acute Effects of Combining Weight and Elastic Resistance Exercise on Vascular Function in Older Adults

Paditsaeree, K., & Mitranun, W. (2024)

A Comparison of Body Composition, Upper-Body, and Hand Grip Strength among Royal Thai Army Cadets with Different Pull-Up Performance
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online

Pramkratok, W., Prajongjai, V., & Songsupap, T. (2024)

The Acute Effects of Various Intensity and Repetition of Resistance Exercise on Vascular Function in Older Adults: A Randomized CrossOver Design Study
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online

Sarikavanich, K., Mitranun, W., & Paditsaeree, K. (2024)

A Walking Intervention for Enhancing Self-efficacy, Physical Activity, and Cardiovascular Endurance in Overweight Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Annals of Applied Sport Science

Suksong, N., Maphong, R., & Sriramatr, S. (2024)


ปี 2023 จำนวน 14 เรื่อง


Practical internal and external cooling methods do not influence rapid recovery from simulated taekwondo performance
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness

Pariyavuth, P., Lee JKW, Tan PMS, Vichaiwong K, Mawhinney C, Pinthong M. (2023)

Effects of plyometric and mixed-methods power training on ball velocity and kinematic parameters of instep kick after muscle fatigue in amateur futsal players
Journal of Physical Education and Sport

Kaimusik, T., Sriramatr, S., & Chinnasee, C. (2023)

Analysis of kinetic chain mechanism affecting energy flow in kick topspin tennis serve in elite and amateur tennis players
Annals of Applied Sport Science

Lertwonghattakul, T., Sriramatr, S., & Rachnavy, P. (2023)

Effects of Online Sport Counseling in Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes: Real Match After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online

Junla, D., Mitranun, W., Sittiprapaporn, P., & Yotanyamaneewong, S. (2023).

Post-activation performance enhancement: Acute effected after activation in kayak sprint
Journal of Physical Education and Sport

Khamros, W., Peepathum, P., Senakham, T., Sriramatr, S., & Phongsri, K. (2023).


Osteogenic Effects of Aerobic Both Sides Utilized Ball Versus Aerobic Step Training in Premenopausal Women
Physical Education Theory and Methodology

Anek, A., & Mitranun, W. (2023)

High-Intensity Interval Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction Improves Vascular Function in Obese Male Adolescents
Physical Education Theory and Methodology

Noikhammueang, T., & Mitranun, W. (2023)

Effect of Walking Meditation on Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online

Jintaruethai, P., Anek, A., & Mitranun, W. (2023)

Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Health Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangkok’s Office Workers
Annals of Applied Sport Science

Maphong, R., & Sriramatr, S. (2023)

Long-term Effects of Wearing a Reusable Mask during Running Exercises on the Blood Gas Levels in Adults
Journal of Physical Education and Sport

Chinaksorn, D., & Sriramatr, S. (2023).

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