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Tongthong Songsupap

Ph.D. (Sports Science)


-Sports Physiology

-Sports Performance Assessment

-Sports Biomechanics

Contact Information


Education Background

B.Sc. Sport Science (First Class Honors), Silpakorn University, Thailand

M.Sc. Sport Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Ph.D. Sports Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand



Pramkratok, W., Prajongjai, V., Songsupap, T. (2024). A comparison of body composition,

     upper body, and hand grip strength among Royal Thai Army cadets with different

     pull-up performance. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online. 27 (2). 19-27.

Pramkratok, W., Prajongjai, V., Songsupap, T. (2023). Association between hand grip

     strength and pull-up performance in Royal Thai Army cadets. Journal of Exercise

     Physiology Online. 26 (5). 71-80.

Prajongjai, V., Pramkratok, W., Songsupap, T. (2023). Influence of grip type on peak force

     during isometric mid-thigh pull and its relationship with hand grip strength in elite

     badminton players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 23 (8). 2099-2105.

Pramkratok W, Songsupap T, & Yimlamai T. (2022). Repeated sprint training under hypoxia

     improves aerobic performance and repeated sprint ability by enhancing muscle

     deoxygenation and markers of angiogenesis in rugby sevens. European Journal of

     Applied Physiology, 122(3), 611-622.

Songsupap, T., Newton, R., Lawsirirat, C. (2021). Balancing injury risk and power

     development by weighted jump squat through controlling eccentric loading. The

     Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 35 (11). 2999-3005.

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